Architectural Photographer

Los Angeles Luxury Custom Home

It’s not just a form of art, it’s a way to translate images to consumer behavior actions, that sell your work. This article will include everything you want and need to know about architectural photography, but before we start here is a little about me. I have been working for over 12 years across international […]

Berlin, Germany Hotel Photographer

Luxury Hotel Photographer - Modern Luxury Lobby

Berlin is the capital and chief urban center of Germany. We have been working and earning the trust of leading brands and companies in Berlin, and other known hospitality destinations like Frankfurt, Hamburg, and international markets for over 10 years with our ability to produce impactful pictures that sell in a timely manner. Impacting Customer […]

Retail Store Photographer

Kiton Retail Store in Las Vegas Photography

One of the things I learned when I first started in the retail store and commercial photography, working with the Ralph Lauren team was to take our clients to the next level, Today it is more important than ever before to increase the customer visual experience. “Million Dollar Lesson” about Photographing a Retail Store Retail […]

Lifestyle Photographer

Lifestyle Luxury Home Photoshoot

Our studio specializes in Lifestyle and Advertising Photography for the Hospitality, Automotive, Marine, and leisure industries worldwide specifically in Germany, France, Italy, and Europe. We provide a full range of services that includes production management. Lifestyle Photography A key part of any advertising and marketing campaign. Every space needs both interior design and lifestyle imagery […]

Hotel and Resort Photographer

Paris Hotel and Casino

At Velich Studio we have years of experience in Hospitality, and Lifestyle Photography around the world, from Germany, and France to Denmark, Sweden, and many more desired hospitality destinations across Europe and the Middle East. “Our marketing partners working hard enough, Our studio provides all-inclusive services that allow them to keep their schedule and let […]

Europe Architectural Photographer

Ascaya Inspiration Luxury Home

Velich Studio has been working across Europe markets for the past 10 years. Our studio is known for destination photography expertise and our ability to tackle any size of project in a timely manner. From Hotels, Retail Stores, New Development, Custom Homes, Architectural and Interior Design Projects, Shopping Centres, Restaurants, and Entertainment spaces. Our Photography […]

Hotel Photographer

The Cosmopolitan - Luxury Hotel

One of the most complex and exciting works of hospitality photographers is photographing a hotel and resort. Photographing hotels require experience and knowledge to capture the guest experience in seconds. Table of Contents Understanding the Job of a Hotel Photographer It’s all about understanding the purpose of “images that sell”. To capture beautiful, but the […]

Hamburger Hotelfotograf

Renaissance Hotel Plano Dallas Exterior

Velich Studio arbeitet seit über 10 Jahren in der Region Deutschland. Angesehene Marken und Hotels vertrauen unserer Arbeit, um ihre weltbekannten Hotels und Resorts zu bewerben. Unser Studio bearbeitet Projekte jeder Größe. vom vollständigen Branding und Rebranding Ihrer Immobilie und Ihres Resorts bis hin zur Aktualisierung Ihres Portfolios für Renovierungen und/oder Neuzugänge. Die Hotelbranche ist […]

Frankfurt Architectural Photographer

Unique Living Room with Mountain Views

Frankfurter Architekturfotograf Velich Studio has been working in Frankfurt, Germany, and the metro area for over 4 years and was established by architectural photographer Shay Velich. Our studio is known for our international experience and our to tackle any size of project in a timely manner, From Luxury Development, Custom Homes, Architectural and Interior Design […]

Hamburg Architectural Photographer

Hillside Guest Bedroom

Hamburger Architekturfotograf Velich Studio is a European International Photography Studio located in Germany and Serves the Hamburg and metro area for the past several years. Our studio is known for our ability to tackle any size of the project promptly, From Luxury Development, Custom Homes, Architectural and Interior Design Projects, Hotels, Retail Stores, Shopping centers, […]

Berlin Architectural Photographer

Telemundo Las Vegas Offices

Berliner Architekturfotograf Velich Studio has been working in Berlin, Germany, and the metro area for several years and was established by architectural photographer Shay Velich. Our studio is known for our international experience and our to tackle any size of project promptly, From Luxury Development, New Construction, Architectural and Interior Design Projects, Hotels, Retail Stores, […]

Interior Photography for Hotels and Resorts

Waldorf Astoria Residential Suite (former Mandarin Oriental)

Photographing Hotels and Resorts can greatly impact your profitability. Capturing the Design, use of space, and incorporating the feeling of “ I want it to “ is important for your potential guests. I will try to review the key components important to capturing based on my experience as a hotel and resort photographer. Table of […]